Andrei Krasko as second frontier guard in "Peculiarities of the National Hunting in Winter Period"

Andrei Krasko in «Peculiarities of the National...» Andrei Krasko in «Peculiarities of the National...» Andrei Krasko in «Peculiarities of the National...» Andrei Krasko in «Peculiarities of the National...»

Andrei Krasko as Vityok in "Peculiarities of the National Fishing"

Andrei Krasko in «Peculiarities of the National...» Andrei Krasko in «Peculiarities of the National...» Andrei Krasko in «Peculiarities of the National...» Andrei Krasko in «Peculiarities of the National...» Andrei Krasko in «Peculiarities of the National...»
Andrei Krasko in «Peculiarities of the National...» Andrei Krasko in «Peculiarities of the National...» Andrei Krasko in «Peculiarities of the National...» Andrei Krasko in «Peculiarities of the National...» Andrei Krasko in «Peculiarities of the National...»
Andrei Krasko in «Peculiarities of the National...» Andrei Krasko in «Peculiarities of the National...» Andrei Krasko in «Peculiarities of the National...» Andrei Krasko in «Peculiarities of the National...» Andrei Krasko in «Peculiarities of the National...»
Andrei Krasko in «Peculiarities of the National...» Andrei Krasko in «Peculiarities of the National...» Andrei Krasko in «Peculiarities of the National...» Andrei Krasko in «Peculiarities of the National...» Andrei Krasko in «Peculiarities of the National...»
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Launched Dec. 31, 2005 as Andrei Krasko's unofficial site
English version launched on July 1, 2006
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